Although I have met this person for only three times before he left a big impression on me. After coming back from Slovensky raj I did not want to admitt I would not see him again any more. While chatting with Klepo afterwards I suggested him a crazy idea to come to Bratislava to tell good bye definetelly before he will go to Pakistan. And he accepted it. It was crazy – I had exams period and other things to do, he was busy as well anyway we both made some time to see each other again. And this all just because of a few hours together.
Thank you Klepo for Bratislava night sight seeing, for showing me the centre of the city, for all those special moments I could share with you, for spending your last moments in Slovakia with me. I do not have enough words to express my feelings as they are so deep and not really public ones. Only you Tom know what is behind all these words here and what exactly I mean.
Miss you.
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