Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just a random note

Well in two weeks I am going for vacations with my mum. My first time spent by the sea. So of course it must be spent with mum:-)

Me: "Mum, where are we going?" (Greece, may be?)
Mum: "Chroatia."
Reaction in my mind - well, ok, every Czech go to Chroatia, not the first choice comming into my mind but actually why not?

Me: "By plane?" (oh please!)
Mum: "No, by bus. It would be more expensive."
Reaction in my mind - oh noooo. I cannot imagine I will have to spend so many hours in a bus. Well I will take books but still I cannot read all the time.

Later on in my mind when I was thinking about our trip. Well I do not like long travelling by bus. I am not actually a good swimmer. I do not like so much long laying in the sun and sunbathing and doing nothing. So why am I actually going there? Only not to be the last Czech girl who was not by the sea yet?:-) Now you can think I am not looking forward but I am:-) Hopefully my trip will not look like a Czech movie "Účastníci zájezdu."

1 comment:

Svetlana Senajova said...

Cau Lenicko,

at se ti na dovolene libi. Sice nevim jak to tam vypada, ale snad budete mit krasne pocasi a nedopadnete jak "Ucastnici zajezdu" :)))) I kdyz to je nahodou srandovni film...

Ja budu jeste nejaky cas patrit mezi tu ceskou mensinu co nikdy nebyla v Chorvatsku :)

Zdravim z Kabulu,
