Sunday, February 17, 2008

I can´t do it is never the truth... it is a decision. Farouk

aiiiiiiiiiiiii, I made it! I got selected into AIESEC in the Czech Republic MC. So I will become MCVPC - for those who are confused and have no idea what that abbreviation means - Member Committee Vice-president Communication. Still confused?:)

Spring period will be very tough as there is diploma thesis to write, still my math exam to go through, final state examination and transition from current MC. Anyway, I cannot wait for it and whole upcoming year.

Year in a new team, year full of new experience, learning, delivering knowledge, communication (what a surprise:)), nice and tough moments, year spent in Prague, living and working with cool people I have to and want to get to know closer.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Peaceful Warrior

This weekend I watched The Last King of Scotland which was a cool movie but I want to mention another one. Peaceful Warrior. What did I like so much on it? Again, it was about strong personalities, overcoming obstacles, life priorities, relations - simply movie I like. To me, added value also is this movie is based on real events, real person - Dan Millman, former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor. Besides other I found "Dream small" post on Dan´s blog that I fully agree with. Well, I know and believe anybody can do and reach anything s/he wants to. On the other hand I have a feeling we (I) are just too much pushed by others to reach high without knowing who we (I) are and who we (I) want to be - I really mean we or I not my familly, friends, society and its trends.

Some Useful quotes from Socrates (Wiki source) that you can find in movie:
1. Life has three aspects: Paradox, Humour and Change.
2. Paradox: Life is a mystery; don't bother figuring it out.
3. Humor: No matter what circumstances, do not lose your sense of humor.
4. Change: Do not be so sure in life; anything can change.
5. There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.
6. This moment: The past and the future do not matter; all that matters is now, this moment.
7. It's not the destination that brings happiness, but the journey.
8. The ones hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.
9. Take out the trash from what's inside your head.
10. Empty your mind.
11. Anger, hatred, and violence are only products of fear.
12. People are afraid of what's inside of them; when you are alone lying on your bed, do you feel empty?
13. If you lend someone $20 and they don't come back, it is probably worth it.
14. When making a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, you must first apply the peanut butter.
15. Every action has its price and its pleasure.

President´s election

A big topic for the Czech Republic nowadays. Who will be the next president of our country? Václav Klaus (current one) or Jan Švejnar?

To be honest, I do not care much as president in CR does not have such a huge power and influence and both of them are really quality candidates from my point of view and I feel ok with both of them. Frankly, I did not watch campaign or news so I do not have many details about their work or so.

Anyway, what I want to mainly talk about is the process of election itself. I would not watch it but as my stepfather watched it on TV I witnessed a bit, too. Well, I do not care about politics and its procedures at all but what I have seen was ridiculous. Election itself was long, boring and the main thing is it did not bring any result. Politics did not elect new president so they will come together again in few days and hopefully they will elect somebody.

Well, I know politics is about negotiation, plenaries, talking. Anyway, this election was a real mock. Not only for me but I think even for media (especially those abroad) and all people living in the Czech Republic.

I know I should be happy I live in such a peaceful and democratic country as the Czech Republic is - and I am. I just felt like I want to share this opinion. Hmmm, my first "politics" post. Cannot I made it:) Somebody like me who does not care about politics almost at all...

Forest (not Gump) in my family

When I arrived back home a week ago following news was waiting for me: "We have bought a forest!" What a hell, what? when? why? shocked and surprised face...

Question nr. 1: Why do we need it?
Question nr. 2: How much was it?

Well, still I do not know why we need it. May be - besides others - because of memories - my mum: "We bob-sleighed there as kids, remember?" Her husband: "I do, and skiing as well. You were scared because of heigh of hill, weren´t you?" ... And then I realized it was not so expensive because... one very simple reason:) There are 32 trees in our forest:) Funny, isn´t it? When I heard it I started to laugh. Of course do not imagine there is just a stripe of a few trees which I call forest - it is just a part of huge forest we own.

So now, besides having mum as a part of municipality and being responsible for writing chronicle of a village my family is forest owner. What a feeling:P

Additional important information:
Village where my mum lives has about 75 inhabitants (no, I did not forget to write "000" it is really so small:)
My mum is a part of municipality (actually, she is "vicemayoress") mainly because she was asked to do so. It was not her intention to do it I guess. You know, find 7 people who will be a part of municipality in a village with about 75 inhabitants is not very easy. It is like searching Magnificient 7:)
hey all people from abroad:) and actually Czech too... I know there are many webpages about the Czech Republic so why not to browse this one? myCzechRepublic starting with some comment about a country:) and try My Czech Republic blog too. Enjoy and see you in CR soon;)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

MC Selection

I spent previous days in Prague by running MC selection process. Together with other 11 candidates we applied for some position in Member Committee (MC) of AIESEC in the Czech Republic. After filling in quite a tough application we were invited to go through selection itself. It consisted of Assessment Centre, group discussion on AIESEC topics, interview with current MC members and interview with AIESEC alumni.

Did I feel nervous? Yep, I did. However, atmoshere was very friendly and for me personaly selection itself from the very beginning meant a kind of self reflection - how I am able to find information, what I know and do not know yet and I should, how I can cooperate with others, whether this is what I really want to do, how people perceive me as a potential MC member, what is my opinion on certain topic and if I am able to stand behind it... To be honest, I still do not know how to feel after selection as I still do not know the result. Anyway I feel comfortable as during selection I did not play any role, simply I behaved in my way, expressed my personality and ideas and by this I am satisfied. I realized again I am not a kind of person who can change opinions easily when it seems to be better for career or getting other benefit.

Between interview with current MC and interview with alumni I had free time so I walked in Prague. In Charles Bridge there are many statues which were originally "golden" by due to time, weather conditions and chemical reactions which I do not understand:) they got black. Except of one of them or two small places on one of them. As people still touch it and wish something it remained the same. Do not ask me about the story of this statue as I do not know it. Why am I talking about it? Of course once walking in Prague I had to go there and make a wish. Once I made it I realized even in a stress time of MC selection, even if I want to get there so much, I did not wish to get into MC. Somehow unconsciously I made the same wish as when I was there in June. Does it tell anything about my priorities and values? I have no idea. Wanna know what wish was that? I will not tell you - you know how it works with wish once being told aloud:)